Download Hospital Charge List


In compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), North Runnels Hospital is making available to the public a copy of its standard charges known as a “Charge Master,” “Charge Description Master” or “CDM.” Before you search through this file to learn what it may cost you to receive an item or service provided by the hospital or clinics, it is important to understand that what the hospital or clinics charge for a service IS NOT the same as what you or your insurance company may pay for a service. In fact, virtually no one pays the charges you will see listed. Charges are simply a tool that health care providers use to negotiate contracts with insurance companies, and to evaluate the financial impact of these negotiations on the financial health of the institution. Charges are the same for all patients, but a patient’s responsibility may vary depending on payment plans negotiated with individual insurers. Further discounts are available for uninsured or underinsured patients who qualify.

So before you search this file, we encourage you to take this short course we call “HOSPITAL CHARGES 101.” It will make it easier for you to use this file, and better understand the information that is included.


The CDM, available below here in an Excel format, includes a separate line or listing for over 3,100 items and services that may be provided by the hospital or clinics. Each line includes:

  • Column 1: Charge Code – a number that is assigned by the hospital and unique to an individual item or service
  • Column 2: Description – a description of the item or service
  • Column 3: Rate – the charge for each item or service


Please note that during most hospital and clinic visits, you will likely receive more than one of the items or services listed on the CDM.